With 7,107 islands in the Philippines, it is easy to get lost during a sojourn to this beautiful country. Philippine Traveler is a complete guide for tourists planning to see, taste, hear and experience the best of the Philippine islands. We provide not just guides but inside information about places tourists don’t usually encounter.
We strive hard to provide insider information on food, festivals, events, beliefs, attractions and even local folklore that spin a fascinating web across the islands. From pristine beaches to mountaintops, from ultra-modern cities to hidden tribal havens, and from popular attractions to roads less traveled, Philippine Traveler gives you valuable insights to help you tailor-fit your adventure to your interests.
We also provide helpful instruction on language since we understand the traveler’s need to effectively communicate with the locals of their destination. It is for this very reason that we find ways to help non-Filipino speakers understand and speak a little of the local tongue.
The site is constantly evolving as we keep watch for new things that might interest and help each traveler enjoy the Philippines to its fullest.
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